As stated in the previous posting on this blogsite, the Youth of MCCN are our most valuable resource. And a quality education is the key to their future. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of the 2010 Graduates. This past weekend, I had the privilage of attending the University of Manitoba and University of Winnipeg Graduate Pow Wow and witnessed many Aboriginal students receive their diplomas/degrees. I was very proud to see some of Pukatawagan's very own crossing that stage to receive their degrees. It took years of hard work and dedication but they were successful and their hard work paid off. Once again, CONGRADULATIONS! We are very proud of you!
For the students that prefer to stay close to Pukatawagan, the University College of the North (UCN) has designated the MCCN campus a regional centre. By having this designation, we are able to access 1.4 million dollars that will allow us to build a state of the art post secondary facility that will provide a University education to our youth. Currently, UCN has a Business Administration course running that has 15 students enrolled. These students will complete the program in 2 years and if they choose, they can continue into a Bachelor of Business Administration with two years already completed. Once again, the benefits to the Community are numerous; the opportunity for the students to study at home rather then travelling and living away, the jobs created to complete the project, and any other economic spin-offs.
As a University student myself, I can attest to the opportunities that are opened once you have an education. The experiences gained and the rewards of education are worth the effort that is put forth. Our communities need our Youth to become educated. You will lead us in the future and in order to be a prosperous nation, we need everyone to work hard and to put forth their greatest effort. Our grandfathers worked very hard to survive the day to day struggles, and fortunately, surviving is no longer such a struggle, however, we still have to work hard every day. Continuing education is one of those areas that is worth the few years of struggling as a student because it will pay off in the long run.