The Sawmill initiative was started a number of years ago but it was stalled because of a lack of financial support. The current C&C decided to make the project a priority and committed funds to improve the infrastructure and purchasing of new equipment. This leadership felt that this project, if developed properly, would create a value added product for export- log homes- and produce housing grade lumber for new housing. The other benefit was that it would create local employment.
There is a definite market for the homes that will be produced here at MCCN. They are stylish, durable and affordable and they utilize our abundant natural resources to produce something of value for the Community and eventual purchasers.
The Sawmill will also allow the community to stretch the Housing dollars and build even more homes for community members. If the estimated wood component of a house is forty percent (40%) of the value of the house, the sawmill will allow the community to build 40% more houses without any additional funding.