While pursuing the end of Co-management, the C&C began to completely reorganize the Governance structure to better serve the needs of the community. The idea was to make the elected representatives of the community ultimately responsible for the various "Authorities" that impact the daily lives and future opportunities of the people of MCCN. Moreover, the new organizational structure would allow MCCN to undertake various initiatives in the areas of Capital, Housing and Public Works and Economic Development.
Although the governing powers of Pukatawagan are enumerated in the Indian Act, the authority to govern does not arise from the Act. This is our inherent right to govern ourselves. As duly elected officials, the C&C derives its respective powers from the people, whose interests we have sworn to protect.
In order to carry out the will of the people and protect their interests, the C&C must become better aware of what is occurring in all levels of programming. As leaders, the C&C must set goals and objectives and then monitor these to ensure they are being met. We must gather information, monitor progress and lead by example.
Pukatawagan has 10 Councilors as dictated by the Act. Our goal was to have 5 Councilors to oversee Health, Education, UCN/HRDC, Fundraising/Gaming and Youth/Justice. The other 5 Councilors are responsible for Capital, Housing/Public Works, TLE/LTS, Social and Economic Development. Each Councilor was given a Portfolio and had to report back to their group and also provide briefing notes to the entire C&C on alternate weeks.
Direction will arise from the C&C. We will set the Goals and Objectives for each Organization and the direction will flow through the Councilor Portfolio Holder down to the Management and Staff of each Organization. The staff will undertake the necessary steps to achieve the goals and they will report up to the Councilor Portfolio Holder who will ultimately report back to the C&C.
All "Boards" have been dismantled and may only act as an advisory role. All members are Volunteers and are chosen based on particular skill sets that may be useful to the Organization. These members are volunteering their time and skill to better the community and are present in the best interests of the community as a whole. As there is no longer any monetary gain, individual gains are replaced with altruistic gains for the entire membership.